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Rantings of a Sandmonkey

Be forewarned: The writer of this blog is an extremely cynical, snarky, pro-US, secular, libertarian, disgruntled sandmonkey. If this is your cup of tea, please enjoy your stay here. If not, please sod off

Monday, August 08, 2005

Ohh Bibi!

In flamboyant show of political opprutunism, Netanyaho has resigned from the Sharon cabinet over the Gaza withdrawel. The timing is perfect, since discontent with withdrawels amongst israeli hardliners couldn't be higher, and by doing this should give him enough support amongst the likud to challange Sharon's presidency. While many arabs will be more then happy with Sharon gone, I digress, since i believe that Netanyaho will be 100 times worse then Sharon could ever be. Say what you say about him, Sharon is a man of war, he says what he means and he sticks to his word. Netanyaho on the other hand is a politician, he switches positions based on public mood, and any peace plan with him on the helm would never get to see the light of day. So let's hope that Bibi's antics don't get him the Likud's presidency, because then shit will literally hit the fan.


At 8/08/2005 09:49:00 AM, Blogger programmer craig said...

Thewiz, warriors generally have some concept of honorable behavior and a code of ethics. Both of those positive character traits are completely lacking in career politicians.

I see Netanyahu speaking on the news in the US a couple times a week, and I agree with SM... he clearly does not support a two state solution. As far as I can tell, he doesn't favor making any concessions at all.

That's an interesting comment: "a politician can be seen as weak and open to manipulation!"

I'd have gone with "corrupt and immoral" :P

At 8/08/2005 09:17:00 PM, Blogger The Sandmonkey said...


Look at the bright side, we agree 99% of the time. Who else can say that?

At 8/09/2005 12:48:00 PM, Blogger Twosret said...

Good riddance to Natanyaho I hope Sharon will follow soon. Those two war mongers should be out for any peace process to take place.


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