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Rantings of a Sandmonkey

Be forewarned: The writer of this blog is an extremely cynical, snarky, pro-US, secular, libertarian, disgruntled sandmonkey. If this is your cup of tea, please enjoy your stay here. If not, please sod off

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Here is a scary thought

Let's say that the 25 Pakistanis who dissappeared are indeed terrorists with the intention of blowing themselves up in suicide missions. A good question would be : What would be a good target for crazy islamists terrorists to blow up in Alexandria? Think about it for a second. Hmmm...... Oh yeah. Churches. Moharam Beik may be the hub of mayhem once again this year. This begs another question though: If the terrorists did blow up that church where the infamous play was performed, how would the average egyptian muslim feel about that? Which one do you think it will be: Anger, disgust, or "they had it coming"? Just wondering.


At 11/29/2005 10:53:00 AM, Blogger Twosret said...


Sorry to be out of topic but you have a pop up that is very annonying it starts with this p://ilead.itrack.it

Please find a way to fix it. Thanks

At 11/29/2005 11:31:00 AM, Blogger R said...

Do you have to give them ideas ya3ni??

At 11/30/2005 06:57:00 AM, Blogger Egyptian Person said...

They were arrested along with another bunch. Seems like they were planning to sneak illegaly to Europe.


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