Makarem's Angels
I am leaving you today with a bunch of pictures of MB female supporters, or as I like to call them Makarem's angels. I just feel that these pictures represent everything that scares the shit out of me about the possibility of the MB taking over my country. Enjoy:
Too young to vote, not too young to get coverd.
Don't they look pretty?
They come in all shapes and sizes!
And all age groups (notice the tiny veiled girl held by her mom in the cnter-left of the picture? According to her parents she is old enough to entice men to sin and therefore must be coverd. Nice, huh?)
The black Ninjas travel in groups...
....but the green Ninja walks alone!
"Man, I feel like i am back in Saudi !"
That's what I call anonymous voting!
"You mean I have to take my glove off to dip my finger in the ink? You mean I will have to expose my hand for everyone to see? But then they will get all kinds of sinful masturbatory thoughts and urges from viewing the exposed sexy flesh on my finger. Oh God, is there no other way?"
And last but not least, I leave you with an MB election observer. Doesn't she look great?
It's great that you still have a sense of humour about it. Not too long ago, I talked to a Muslim doctor on BP's blog who said she wears it to be spiritual.
Thank God I wasn't born a woman in a Muslim country. I'd go insane.
Must be ideal for shoplifting though. Just think of it, plenty of places to hide the merchandize, no risk of being identified....
dude, why do u do this to me,, u are freaking the shit out of me 2...I live in the states but don't plan on living here forever..i want to return to my egyptian yuppie lifestyle back in heliopolis where i am a first class citizen and everyone calls me ya basha. I want to hang out at clubs and bars and drink my feirouz while my friends get wasted. I want my female friends and family to swim at the beach and not at one of those posh hijabi crap beaches in marina. What are we coming to? I know its getting worse but c'mon, do u think it'll affect our own personal lifestyles? I think it will but to what i am completely i guess we'll find out in 5 years time by finding out who the successor is...
May God have mercy on us all...
oh yeah forgot to sign, SAM2
BP, you and your "A finger is a sex object" and "male mammals tend to sniff menstruation blood" disagreements. Yeesh.
Sam2, man, I am sorry, I didn't mean to scare you, but what can I do. Welcome to our reality ya man. 7ess beena showayah.
OK i admit it's a bit scary ( maybe more than just a bit)
But that doesn't give you the right to mock them . If you really want this country to be free then you have to accept and respect all points of views first . What's the use of trying to be freed from them if you are going to take away their freedom when you get yours .
P.S. I totaly agree with you on the little veiled girl . She's got to make her own choices . It's a really sad photograph .
What you guys need are nude beaches. Five minutes of everyone walking around in the buff and the shock of exposure wears off.
Just make sure to put on some sunblock.
change destiny:
Mocking other people's stupid ideas is not taking away their freedom. It's part of freedom of speech. You have the right to say whatever assinine things you want, and I have the right to point at you and laugh.
Nude beaches? I wouldn't inflict that on anyone. You'd think it would be cool, but after seeing all the fat German tourists that they attract you just want to poke your eyes out. People might even start insisting on veils.
While I agree with BP that SM's comments were less than tactful, I disagree with BP. The thought that a hijab could protect a five year old girl from "perverts" is asinine. What about Muslim women that are chaste, wear their hijab or burka and are raped? Or is that somehow their fault. Like Muhktar Mai.
While I agree with BP that SM's comments were less than tactful, I disagree with BP. The thought that a hijab could protect a five year old girl from "perverts" is asinine. What about Muslim women that are chaste, wear their hijab or burka and are raped? Or is that somehow their fault. Like Muhktar Mai.
Change destiny,
dude, mocking them and making fun of them is all I have left in my power to do. Tanfees ya benty, 3alashan ana 7ata2 men el mostakbal el mobherr beta3nah. And btw, they don;t really respect my veiws either, but unlike them I wouldn't deem a difference of opinion to be punishable by death, u know?
Anon 8:36, I have to kinda agree with Magoo here dude. the people at nude beaches are usually the people u r least likely to wanna see naked. Plus, who says we don;t have them in Sinai? Sure, they are for foreigners only, but hey, they exist and chockfull of italians, germans and russians (the israelis are still too afraid to come back I hear).
Rochelle, I think BP was just making a joke. sure, a sick and twisted joke, but it's a joke.The real reason why they do it to them because they believe if the girls get sued to it from this young age, they won't object to it or question it when they grow older. It would be just a normal thing to be wearing, like pants and tops. Indoctrination isn't exactly the right word, but it's the first that comes to mind.
You have the right to say whatever assinine things you want, and I have the right to point at you and laugh... LOL I love that sentence . Too bad our society no longer tolerates that kind of freedom of speach .
You are right . The sitiuation is becoming rather frustrating but still I just can't live with the fact that mocking is the only thing i can do .
I hope one day i can stand up in this country , speak my mind and not be punished by death . ( Since i know my opinions i think nowadays i'd be . I have a good feeling you 'd be too :) )
change destiny:
We have to mock them, ridicule them, and shame them until some of them start doing something about it. At some point, the masses under this religious oppression will stand up and say, "Enough is enough."
And we're not doing this out of evil or because we hate them, but it seems like ridiculing them is one of the most effective ways to bring about change without the need for bloodshed. Muslims are our fellow human beings, but they're being subdued by religious stupidity (Islamic doctrines). People on the outside has to call them on it.
you know what, whenever i am in egypt i practically yearn for the choice to cover myself from head to toe. walking around in cairo as an unveiled girl, no matter how modestly dressed, is a war of attrition that even my hardy nerves can't always deal with. it's a cycle, of course: the constant comments and grabbing force women to cover up, which makes the men even more deprived and revolting, which makes the women cover up more. ultimately, if guys would just fucking shut up for one minute, one second, when women walk by there wouldn't be any of this. being "anonymous" in egypt is these days is one of the few ways to feel like you're actually a person.
Honestly, Sandmonkey should do comedy.
Of course I believe that women should be allowed to wear whatever they wish, but I worry about a culture that sees women as walking vaginas that must be covered for their own good.
They call us (westerners) as perverts, but I will bet you the hardcore Islamists think about sex far more than us. The difference is for us, sex induces an erection, for an Islamists, sex induces hate. (is that going overboard)
In America, ridecule is used to keep the hardcore christians at bay (intelligent design my ass). It does work, keep it up!
Stefania, Me and BP are obviously joking sweetie.
Change destiny: yeah, they may take our lives, but they will never take our, you know, make fun of them.
Forsooth: So the soloution, accoridng to you, is a decree that forces all women to dress as skimpily as possible. This way Men get used to exposed felsh and women wouldn;t have to deal with their staring anymore.Ok, you know I am down with that. Anything that makes women lose their cloths is always fine by me.:)
Jordan, it's not that sex induces hate, it's the lack of it. Their attitude is more like this "If I can't get it, I don't wanna see it". Maybe what we need is to import like more whores, get more of them laid on daily basis, and then they will be ok. U know?
Maybe what we need is to import like more whores, get more of them laid on daily basis, and then they will be ok. U know?
And estrogen patches, sm. Don't forget the estrogen patches![Or progestin shots, for that matter.]
Why are all you fag cowards anonymous? Grow some nuts. You know you would never have the guts to say that to someones face. Thats why you pussys blog all day
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