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Rantings of a Sandmonkey

Be forewarned: The writer of this blog is an extremely cynical, snarky, pro-US, secular, libertarian, disgruntled sandmonkey. If this is your cup of tea, please enjoy your stay here. If not, please sod off

Thursday, December 30, 2004

Gimme Gimme Gimme!

Hmm, it seems that the USA is accused of being Scrooge-like by the UN cause its initial pledge to aid the countries affected by the Tsunami disasters is , gasp, only 35 million dollars. Only! Those goddamn stingy Americans. They are the world richest nation, they should like, pay more initially. It doesn't matter that they are having soaring deficits, a shaky economy, helping with the nation building of two countries while paying for all of this from their own pockets. Nor does anyone really care that they have provided the last year 2.4 billion in food and cash and humanitarian relief, which translates into 40% of all the relief aid given in the world in 2004. Just 40% ! Those evil ungrateful imperialists! With their wars to get rid of dictatorships and insistence to hold free democratic elections. Those self-righteous bastards! They are the new Nazis, and Bush is, like, their new Hitler or something. He actually started those wars so that Palestinians will start suicide-bombing Israelis again. I hear he does a a special dance when Jews get killed, likes to skin puppies and personally molests 20 Iraqi prisoners at least once a month. So..Where was I? Oh yeah, stingy! Bad bad America. They should've saved up just in case an 8.9 Richter Tsunami hit Southeast Asia and tens of thousands of people died. They should've seen it coming. After all, the world is their responsibility. And it doesn't matter that American scientists actually did try to warn the governments of those countries minutes after they recorded the Tsunami, and that the governments were slow to respond. It's still their fault. They should be committed for the long haul and provide long-term relief. Wait, they actually are doing that? Well, it's the least they could do. This was, after all, Mother Earth's objection to Bush's re-election. If more people had voted for Kerry, this probably would not have happened. And if it did, Kerry would have acted, u know, eventually! Sigh... Look people, All jokes aside, this shit is serious. If you feel as bad as I do about this, here is a link that lists all the way you can personally donate to help those people. And please remember, there is no such thing as "stingy" aid!


At 12/31/2004 01:38:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I appreciate your posting of links to make private donations to the countries suffering from the tsunamis. It's one thing to want your neighbor paying tax, another to give from your own pocket.


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