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Rantings of a Sandmonkey

Be forewarned: The writer of this blog is an extremely cynical, snarky, pro-US, secular, libertarian, disgruntled sandmonkey. If this is your cup of tea, please enjoy your stay here. If not, please sod off

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Nadz is on Fire

Her latest post is awesome. Moneyshot: We are constantly being told that we have to sit down after each terrorist attack and analyze the motives and grievances of terrorists. We're supposed to wring our hands and ask "why?" and ponder what we can do to appease people with explosives. Christopher Hitchens, however, is introducing a radical idea: Why Ask Why? So, what did Indonesia do to deserve this, or bring it on itself? How will the slaughter in Bali improve the lot of the Palestinians? Those who look for the connection will be doomed to ask increasingly stupid questions and to be content with increasingly wicked answers. On one level, I think that understanding the pschology of the enemy is a wise move - understanding a person's motives does not mean that you agree with those motives. However, I also agree that maybe, just maybe, there isn't a rationale behind a lot of terrorism except the illogic of theocratic ideology. Instead of asking if we are to blame, perhaps we should try just blaming terrorist attacks on terrorists themselves - on their distorted worldview, their ideology, their malice. Instead of thinking of ways to appease them, we should be thinking of ways to defeat them, both militarily and intellectually. Amen.


At 10/04/2005 09:08:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with that totally. It's like trying to figure out why someone murders or steals. Some just do. It doesn't matter why, it only matters that it is wrong.

There are a million ways to change the world and 99% of them do not include blowing people up.

Have you ever noticed that the ones who send kids off to blow themselves up don't bother strapping on a bomb belt themselves? If it's so glorious and such a certain way to obtain paradise, why aren't they the first to volunteer?

At 10/05/2005 09:11:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The reason it is worth while to study why people do bad things is that it could help to stop them before they do it. For example, what makes a person liable to be corrupted by a crazy imam? If we can't keep the real crazies on the level, can we help the borderline cases? The well-meaning, sincere tenagers who are looking for a purpose in life._________It's easier to deal with ten terrorists than a hundred.


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