Let's boycott the boycott
Even though the Danes have apologized repeatedly for offending muslims by having a cartoon of the Prophet, the muslim world seems to be enjoying its "newfound power" and relishing in its "victory" in appearing retarded and is refusing to end the boycott against danish products. People at the comment section in the Arabiya story have not only vowed to never stop boycotting Denmark, but called for boycotting Norway and any other european country that may follow suit (A newspaper in France, feeling the need to have Paris torched again, just reprinted them cartoons) . But so far it has only been the Danes and their products that have taken the brunt of muslim anger worldwide.
Fully knowing that it is retarded to punish a whole country and its products for what a Newspaper in that country did, I expected someone to start a movement to restore common sense our muslim brothers and demand a stop to the boycott, especially since the Danes have apologized over and over again. Then I figured, shit, why don't I be that someone? It is kind of expected from me anyway. Not to mention, it will piss off all the right people and I am all for that.
So I guess I will start the official local campaign to boycott the boycott, and thanks to the efforts of Roba and Jameed, the campaign now has banners that you can get here, put on your website and show solidarity with Danish people, and your love for Danish cows, who have never hurt anyone- unlike their crazy british counterparts.
There you go. And you can tell us how much you love or hate this campaign by sending e-mails to the official campaign e-mail Buydanish@gmail.com. But please keep the death threats to a minimum, because no one deserves to get one- let alone die- over a cartoon.
In other words, don't have a cow. Buy Danish.
Have a nice day!
Thank you very much sandmonkey!
I will make sure that our cows up here get an extra delicious pile of hay for dinner tonight. :)
Regards, All Citizens in Denmark
The Danes have made a big mistake. They should not have apologised at all. The cartoons made (quite mildly) a political point about extremist Islam. That point is still valid. Apologising to a bully only encourages him.
My parents live near the Danish border in Germany. Danish products are very common on the continent, obviously.
I sent my mother an email asking her to buy more Danish products and to instantly go to a shop and buy lots of Danis butter (excellent!) and cheese (I prefer Dutch and French).
I am in Ireland where products from the continent are somewhat rare. But I'll try my best.
If there is any Danish products i need, i am sure to get it.
Dont you just hate it when you ask for a danish pastry & they correct you saying" danash"?
You are the greatest!
That's actually close to true, since Denmark is one of the biggest producers of wind turbines and get 10-20% (if memory serves me) of the energy from wind power. There's also a danish company who has refined the process (i.e. making it commercially viable) of turning straw into fuel. And Denmark is a net exporter of oil too.
Morten, Denmark
Excellent! Some common sense at last, I just ordered a case of Lurpac Butter(Butter freezes well), not to mention Danish butter is wonderful!
I await to see what reaction you get from your ME readers. One can only hope for the best...unfortunatly I am getting more and more dishartened, and have a feeling that while you and some of your friends are doing the right thing, the vast majority of islam's followers are addicted to the hate mongering , and violence that is spewed from the koran itself, and the sermans heard on a daily basis.
I just hope that I can be proven wrong.....
Although, I do agree with you on the very broad lines, I think that we shouldn't be carried away.
As I see it this conflict is between people who are easily agitated, and other calmer, more tolerant types. So when you're calling for restrain, and cool reactions, you shouldn't get carried away yourself.
I say what we should do is to try to find out, who is really responsible for this whole mess, and work our way from there. My opinion is that the cause of this, and similar incidents is that the Arabic governments, and the political Islam groups are in bed together. If this is not exposed as soon as possible, we'll all remember this shitty situation we're in, as good old days.
I wrote a somehow lengthy post around this, take a look.
Disclaimer: No death threats there!
You can find more banners on in several languages http://SupportDenmark.com
I urge every non Muslim country in the world to publish these cartoons. This way the Muslim world will have to boycott the entire world, and then realize they could not even feed themselves if they did so. This will bring the whole fucking Muslim world to a halt and that is the only way we will ever realize that we have become the most backward nations in the world.
I'm very happy that I found your blog. Because I already thought that every muslim got crazy because of some cartoons. I understand that some very religious people may be offended. But to react with flag-burning and death-threats is just weird. And as you already diagnosed: This fundamentalists really destroy the image of the islamic-world in the west. Most of the people here in europe are very irritated about the reactions. And a lot of people feel their prejudices about muslims confirmed. Some idiots already call for a "crusade" - which is also crazy.
I don't think it was necessary to publish the cartoons. But I think it's part of the right of free speech and also muslims should respect this (the arabic countries should respect the human rights at all in my opinion). I'm glad that I found your blog, to see, that also in arabic-countries some clarified people exist.
I urge all non Muslim countries to publish these cartoons. This way the Muslim world will have to boycott the entire world, and then realize we could not even feed ourselves if we did so. That is the only way that we will realize we have become the most backwards of nations.
Joining the Anti-Retardedness campagin, "Denmark, Do Not Apologize"
MD, your wish is coming true. Papers in Spain, Germany, France & Italy have reprinted the cartoons in support of freedom of the press & of the danish newspaper, they also showed other caricatures, one of which God is telling Mohamed, dont be upset, we all have been caricatured before.
I wonder will Saudi Arabia, Syria, Iraq & LIbya up the ante & recall their ambassdors aswell??
Those countries are hypocrites, there are intellectuals & preachers in the US that said far worse than those silly cartoons yet no one opened their mouths, cos they are simply cowards. it is getting interesting now to see what will happen
I'm american and I think it's awesome to see free minded individuals all around the world getting together to try and stop the craziness the Saudi and other governments of "Islamic" countries are sending out. People all over my country have the WRONG impression of the middle east, we have the impression that the only thing the middle east is good for is war and oil. You guys should get onto some American blogs and voice your views on whats going on.
We get alot of american muslims with extremist views voicing their opinions here and it reinforces our idea of the ME.
I'll be at my international market buying shit tons of Danish product.
Good work sandmonkey.
I was just asking about this earlier. (an alliance of bloggers saying "Buy Danish")
I've begun by going to my local WalMart Supercenter and buying Rosenborg Blue Cheese, which is delicious!!!
Thank you, Sandmonkey
Thank you so much! I had done a post about this earier and then saw where you had these great images for us to use So I updated my post and now I have posted your images at my blog! I hope everyone posts and publishes these cartoons.
Is it my imagination,or have most of the protests been coming only from Arab countries?What about Turkey,India,Indonesia,etc?These countries have hundreds of millions of muslims,right?I think the Arab cultural conceps of honor and respect have as much to do with the outcry as religion does.Disrespecting the prophet is taken more personally perhaps,especially since Mohammed was born in Arabia. Dan
I 'm afraid that things are getting out of hand.
It is safe to guess that within few days, many more papers and websites all over europe, or the "west" in general will be publishing the cartoons.
How will the arab "street" react?
In france, even the leftist circles, traditionaly very pro-muslim(only to despise americans) are denouncing the arab countries censorship offensive.
There is NO WAY the european public will back off. The muslim extremists have finally crossed a red line( which apparently they never did by beheading or suicide bombing).
The only solution to reach official appeasement would be for the arab goverment to climb down and eat crow, which in turn would be INACCEPTABLE to their populace after weeks of propaganda(By the way, it was the danish muslim communitie members who added the 3 extra cartoons which were not part of the original publication) .see link here:
The arab goverment have painted themselves in the corner.the immediate and mid-term consequences are worrisome
What an awesome work guys!
Have my best wishes for you. I am a Syrian living in Europe, I'm sick of this whole boycutt thing - it's irartional , it's sick and mad! The Saudis want to teach the world press moralities and free speech. I'm sick of this as much as I'm sick of the entire Middle East, which was the reason I left.
Thank you for your great post!
I'm doing the same with some Lebanese and Syrian friends here.
We are trying to promote Danish products. Someone said in his comment, "If they apologize and punish the news paper, then only i will boycutt Danish products" I agree with that so much, that was very well said!
P.S. Hope no body finds it strange that I have Lebanese friends and I am A SYRIAN. I love Lebanon very much and I'm sick as well of those Syrian campgains against Lebanon, so let's have a Danish beer and a toast to Lebanon and to a better Middle East!
VOW! Media has tried to give me the impression that the arab world consists only of flag burning, weapon carrying lunatics. Thank you for your enlightment!
By the way. I watched Life of Brian tonight. I dont have enough fantacy to imagine what would happen if someone tried to make a similar Mohammed movie...
France, Italy, Spain and Britain have all reprinted these cartoons now. Let the games begin!
You totally ROCK, SM! This is spreading like wildfire!
If Armageddon comes about as a result of a bunch of cartoons, I want God to know he can find me sitting here, playing with my LEGO.
You might want to send your support to Denmark by email: http://www.petitiononline.com/danmark/petition.html
I finally got a peek at the cartoons; they are only cartoons for Pete's sake!
I'm going to make a point of buying Danish products whenever I can now.
Thank you for your support!!
Its nice to know that we are not alone in this stupid soap opera.
As a very peacefull Danish citizen i havent got words for my wondering when i see our burning flag in national TV. If we harmed or bombed innocent people it was OK, but a cartoon!! c´mon you long bearded guys...get a life.
Anyway... put a little extra butter on your bread and have large glass of milk
Greetings from Denmark
Now everybody is going to print the cartoons, germans french...
Sandmonkey, applause for leading the pro-Danish jihad! :) The "Buy Danish" banner is up on my blog, and I'll be heading to whole foods soon to stock up on Danish dairy. Good for Die Welt and others for not succumbing to pressure (the frog paper got cold feet and fired their editor for publishing) BTW, I wish I could actually _see_ those cartoons... Does anybody have a link?
I went to Zombie's website and found a ton of pics of the Prophet throughout the centuries. This tells me that pictures of Muhammed have been around, even sold in Iran in 1999, and I didn't hear any moaning from the Muslim world.
BTW, no one knows what the Prophet really looks like, so without the caption, most lookers would think it's just a Middle Eastern man from an earlier time. Yet, add the name to the picture, and all hell breaks loose.
Just wait for the response from defenders of freedom of the press. Even more pictures of Mohammed will spring up all over the internet. I hope the Muslim boycotters are happy now.
Originally posted by JohnL
If Armageddon comes about as a result of a bunch of cartoons, I want God to know he can find me sitting here, playing with my LEGO.
Just scroll down a little ways and the cartoons are there to see.
Dear Sandmonkey, thanks a lot for not giving up on a wholesome diet that includes Danish products. May Allah, praised be His name, continue to bless you with His wisdom.
an Orthodox Christian from Canada.
UHOH I wonder how this cartoon will go over?
thank you again for your great work!
As an Arab speaker, I want to invite all Arab readers and commentators to sign the petition on http://www.petitiononline.com/danmark/petition.html
Let our voices be heard and let the whole world knows that we are not all a bunch of fanatics and brain-washed Moslems.
You have your support from many Syrians who are longing for free speech and dream of it!
go Danmark!!
thnx Sandmonkey,doing great work here.
Here in California, I don't see too many Danish products, and the only Danish company I recognize is Lego, which happens to be my favorite toy. Thanks, Muslims, for giving me more excuse to buy more Legos!
Good for you, sir.
My first Carlsberg will be for you this eve.
SUPPORT FREEDOM OF SPEECH!!!! (hey... sorry if I offended anybody ...;-)
First of all, as a dane I really appreciate this Buy Danish campaign.
And I just wanted to tell you and alleviate any fears... the danish PM has not and will never apoligize for the cartoons. He has expressed his own personal views; that he does not condone the cartoons, but he will defend the newspaper's right to publish them.
And the newspaper has only apoligized for hurting the feelings of muslims, it hasn't apoligized for publishing the cartoons, as they feel they were perfectly within their right to do so. At first they only expressed regret for hurting the feelings of millions of muslims, but after consulting several experts on the Middle East who claimed that citizens in the Middle East cannot relate to the word regret, they suggested that the newspaper change it to "apoligize", as that is something they can relate to. Whether or not this is true, that people from the Middle East can't relate to the word "regret", I cannot know. Is this true? Nevertheless, this is supposed to be the reason for the apology.
Hope I cleared something up.
Here is a list of Danish products readily available in the U.S., as well as some online shopping sites. This should be helpful: Support Free Speech in Denmark-- BUY DANISH!
Hypocrisy knows no bounds. 'Islamic' protesters on the streets of London with 'Death to Denmark' signs and claiming there must be limits on free speech!!! Er, isn't free speech rights what they're exercising with the protest??
Dear Sandmonkey.
you too made my heart bleed. Do not misunderstand me, but i am so happy to visit your site. I am honestly moved by the incidents in Denmark relatively the "outrage" in the muslim world. Sometimes I despair of the fact that there doesn´t seem to be any ´prudent´ invidual among those "protestors" (cause what i see and what i read about is -the mob). What makes me angry as well.
Nobody one could give one ´s hand, to discuss with,to explain to, to listen to - what makes me sad. So much the better I read your posting that keeps my spirits up and giving me fresh heart.Thank you.
Bravo. You are helping restore the dignity of the Arabs.
thanx sandmonkey and everyone else for the support.
Pernille - Denmark.
I´m a Mexican citizen and I support all actions to preserve the Western Free Way of life, specially concerning the Free speech and Free Press in all Democratic countries. And of course we (Mexicans) support Danish products, they´re also very popular over here. :)
Hello, I live in Swindon, England and I, and my friends and family, will do all we can to support Denmark by buying your products. I am unable to comprehend how the people complaining can condemn a whole country because of some cartoons and boycott its products in this way. After all, that would be like saying all Muslims are terrorists intent on killing and maiming innocent people, just because a small minority are fanatical suicide bombers. Thank God we live in a democratic society that does allow us to express our political views and creativity!
Great job Sandmonkey! It's wonderful to see that there are still prudent and open-minded people in the Islamic world. It's understandable that some people had their religious feelings offended by the cartoons. I wouldn't love to see my religon being ridiculed myself. I, however, can't see any civilised person's protest against such an act lead to more than writing a letter, e-mail, etc. of protest, or refusing to purchase the specific newspaper in the future.
The most angering fact about this ridiculous affair though, in my opinion, is that those peolpe that protest the loudest and most violant are the most intolerant, undemocratic, disrespectful and hatred-filled creatures themselves. And the sad thing is that its their ugly faces and their dumb opinions that we see and hear on TV and can read about in the paper.
That's why a blog of somebody who doesn't judge blindly is great to see!
I am just going to the supermarket to buy some Danish products. In the UK you can support Arla by buying Anchor Butter and Cravendale Cheeses.
Have a look here
That's the propaganda material, containing faked and never-published cartoons, which was used by "Det Islamiske Trossamfund" to start the trouble. Unfortunately I don't understand arabic and only some danish.
This has been blown completely out of proportion. It amazes me that the Muslims can kidnap and murder our people without so much as a peep from anyone and a cartoon is taken out of propertion. To the MUSLIMS, grow up and get a life.
i support Denmark with all my heart !!
i will starting to buy danish food
btw why didnt UK police arrest those protesters who had death threat slogan on thier posters?
damn i wish those uks have some balls like Aussie
Why the danish police wouldn't arrest the cartoonist who made this racist cartoon?
I agree with the Muslims! Boycott Danish Products until justice is served!
u r a real animal, yeah a monkey, shame on you, not a man....what if it were your father who had been insult would this have been your reaction???...u really r a shame 4 ur religion and your country....think about it do you love your prophet or no????
Lars, Dane and infidel
We are sorry
We are sorry
We are sorry
We will submit to the almighty Allah and Mohammed his profet
We will rename Arla Food to Allah Food
We will pray 5 times a day and bow our heads to mekka
.. Nnaaaaaaa, don't think so :-)
ps, a guide for Muslims, this is called satire, sarcasme or just plain humor.
restore common sense our muslim brothers and demand a stop to the boycott
They are not my brothers, in fact, they're all fucking animals, as this event only serves to highlight.
They should die.
it does make no sense,
no one wins in this fight...
if you boycott something then others earn money, so the boycotted country boycotts the boycotters then everything goes wrong.
it makes no sense...
"fight fire with fire " is only a foolish way of the prehistorical human
may be no need to be sorry, but no religion supports terrorism nor-budism nor-christianity nor-islam nor-shintoism
It's not about your religion it's about the politics and economic conditions.
Don't forget the 1945 and A.Hitler. He was a very religious catholic . It doesn't make all catholics genocider.
Where the fuck al of you mother fucker live? The Danes never gave any hints of appology. Boycott the danes mother fuckers. This article is full of bull shit...Lies...so, Fuck you.
I am a family man from Finland. I shall take my family (two boys unde 10 year old) to Legoland to Denmark in Summer. We have already booked the flight.
I am also interested in where my gasoline is coming from. If possible I would rather buy norwegian or russian oil than arabian oil.
You will not be able to boycott the boycott of danish products because Muslims are the huge community using danish products and we will bring the Danish Government to its knees by boycotting the Danish products. We are only asking for an apology and they are not doing it so. Therefore we have a right to take an action and thats FREEDOM which we have learned from you. Your FREEDOM will take you to hell but even there you'll be crying FREEDOM, freedom of speech, freedom to gay and lesbian marriages, freedom to have sex with animals, freedom of donating a sperm, freedom of abortion..... God knows what is going to happen to your society. Remember everything that goes up has to come back down. And same is happening to you.
Dont be obsessed by the propaganda spread by the Governments. Quran teaches peace, respect. I respect you all, your elders, your religion and at no cost shall I say anything regarding what you all respect for. We human beings are all one. We have same blood in our veins. Two eyes, ears same body shape and everything. The difference is some are white, some are black and some are wheatish. But we have been taught that we should respect mankind. We should respect other religions. We should respect other religions norms. And in return to all this we only demand respect to our religion. Thats it. You know that American bombers have killed so far 64000 Afghans. We are not protesting but we should have. Sir please only respect our religion and our Holy Prophet. That has nothing to do with freedom or freedom of speech. Please give it a thought. People talk about cutting of heads and fingers, I give you an example. Since the 19th century, I believe that America is responsible for most of the deaths on this planet. And the most cruel one's also. It is the only nation that has used Nuclear Bomb and wiped out 200000 in just an hour. In vietnam more than 100000 were killed. In Afghanistan, In Iraq, what are you talking about? This is cruelty or not. America is the only nation which has weapons of mass destruction and has used on record nuclear, biological and chemical bombs all across the earth and killed millions. American CIA also conducts secret operations in which they have also killed millions. On number 2 comes the cruelty of Nazis Germans. They are on number 2 in killing. Their cruelties you know it too well. So sir who is more cruel The Americans and the West or the Muslims. Please dont take me wrong. I did not wanted to hurt anyones feelings but its a fact, a reality that you know too. I am not making this up. And remember we are all one on this planet. Dont become a toy of the propaganda of the Governments. They have their interests. Dont be a slave of the media. Think yourself what is right and what is wrong. Our Governments also says propaganda but we know what is right and what is wrong. In all this paragraph I have not used any abusive language and I will not do so in future as well cause I know what is right and what is wrong. Torah, Zaboor, Bible and Quran are all Holy Books. We should at all times respect them. Moses, Jesus and Muhammed and many others are all Prophets. We all should respect them. Christianity, Islam, Jewism, Buddism, Hinduism and all others are religions. They all are respectful. We should respect eachothers religion. I hope that you understand. Thankyou for your time for reading this.
The fact the Danish Company Arla is losing $3 dollars a day due to this boycott and has had to fire 200 staff already and shut alot of its sites, is very pleasing, this certainly is a far more effective way of protesting than standing on street corners and shouting. I appeal to all Muslims to stop buying danish products even in this country.
Good for you that you find it pleasing that arla fired 200 people. None of those people had anything to do with the cartoons and neither did arla the company.
Boycutt Jyllands Posten all you like, but boycotting danish products over this is roughly compared to a country expelling all muslem immigrants due to a beheading in Iraq.
Thanksfully that is never going to happen.
As for the person claiming that the boycott will bring Denmark to it's knees, well, I seriously doubt that.
أدعو الله عز وجل أن يسخطك قرداً على محاربتك لرسوله الكريم صلى الله عليه وسلم... إنه قادر على كل شيء
This extreme situation is only benefitting the extremists on both sides. It's time to calm the waters again, and start rebuilding our relationship.
In Denmark we thank you very much for the support. Especially the decision to buy danish products. But fear not! We may not sell as much butter as we used to, but strangely, our export of flags have gone way up ;o) I hope I didn't offend anyone...
Dear Sandmonkey
Found you tonight by way of a CNN. Forwarding your URL to The Toronto Star tonight...if everyone had your sense of humor the world wouldn't be in such a freaking mess.
Hi All, Im a Christian Arab Living in Palestine. Well I wasnt Surprised about the Reactions of muslims around the world. I live here among a Muslim Majority, and these issues are common here.. Its just that You all Live "Far Away" From here, so you dont know what's going on. The muslim Religion is becoming Very Fanatic and Extremist Religion.. and at some point this conflict between the religions will be set on fire, I was surprised it took some time!
Anyway, I dont think the danish government should apologize, its a free world, Every one should realize that. Denmark im WITH YOU!
"Dont become a toy of the propaganda of the Governments." I quote a muslim who demands respect a few comments above this.
Why do you attack a small nation and persecute it's people everywhere in the world, just because you disagree with a handful of them ? Why do you bother to "explain" yourself ? Your explanation is not good. Don't talk about respect. Noone will believe you.
To Europe n America
We are not like you that even if someone calls your mum a bitch you would smile and pass away and wouls say "FREEDOM OF SPEECH" (Lolz). We respect our Prophets. And we will not sit down and rest. Got it. We are not like you who has forgot the teachings of Jesus. Now making cartoons of Jesus. Make fun of him on programmes like Saturday Night Special. Just give me one name you respect for. Look at your society. Total Downfall. You are destroying yourselves. Soon you'll know.May Allah bless you and make you able to understand the right and the wrong. To make you see beyond the curtains. Bye and take care
I'm baffled that everyone has failed to notice the cartoons were published in the Egyptian Al Fagr back on October 17th, 2005 and failed to raise more than an eybrow back then. Several Western European countries have repeatedly poked fun at Jesus without failing at war with each other... Wake up and live in the now, the whole thing is NOT about the cartoons, but a case of someone using this as an excuse to further their own agenda (i.e. Ahmed abu Laban amongst others who has been caught out with some of the pictures he brought on a tour of the middle East to "show case" the cartoons - one picture depicts a man supposedly showing Muhammed with a pigs nose, but it is actually a picture from last year from a French pig immitation contest - http://ekstrabladet.dk/VisArtikel.iasp?PageID=334109)
A verey good initiative you took there. I can say that there is a problem for all the one billion muslims all over the world when 1 % of the most fanatic muslim movements do this because of a hatred that is creating over in Europe, and just like the boycott of punishing innocent civilians and companies from Danmark and the Nordic region, all of the world's innocent muslims will be hated by fanatic extremists over here. That is not good. Obviously those fantics can't think one step longer and realize how many innocent muslims over the European, and Danish territories, that will suffer from this nonsens because of fanatic extremists that can't separate innocent ones and guilty ones.
Mikael, Sweden
I just came by you web-side and was very happy to se it. I'm from Denmark, so I guess I'm kind of in the middle of all this. How I got to be in the middle of all this is still difficult for me to understand. I haven't published any pictures of any prophets, and now I have to see my flag getting burned, and danish embassies attacked.
When the cartons were published in october I found them to be foolish and unnecessary. Islam like any other religion (or any secular ideology/philosophy for that matter) needs to be challenged and critized. But there are good ways to do it, and there are bad ways. Jyllandsposten (the danish newspaper who published the cartoons) did it the bad way.
A danish comedian (who is muslim by the way) once said that if you want to make fun of something there have to be love in it as well. There was none of that in those cartoons.
Islam is a minority religion in Denmark (5.3 mill inhabitans. 180.000 muslims of whom 25.000 is considered to be active). When a majority makes fun of a minority, when the strong makes fun of the weak it should be done with tact and consideration. In my opinion Jyllandsposten did it in a childish and brute way.
Every person in the world have the right to boycutt danish products, and to demonstrate against Denmark. I think both actions are the actions of a fool, but every person in the world has the right to act like a fool. Just like a danish newspaper has the right to act like a fool.
Many muslims in Denmark were hurt by the cartoons, even offended. but they also feel hurt and offended when they see their flag, the danish flag, getting burned.
There has been one demonstration in Denmark against muslims because of all this. 23 people attended. 23 people who were stupid enough to blame all muslims because of the actions of a few. And even though they were bloody fools they didn't burn of anything. They just stood and looked kind of sad.
And just to kill a rumour I can understand have circled in many muslim countries. No qurans have been burned in Denmark, and it would actually be a cause for arrest if someone did that.
I'm happy to see that you people in here can see beyond a newspaper, that you too want this foolishness to end.
I'm glad to see that you support us here in Denmark. And I'm grateful for your buycut. Because of it, innocent people won't be fired from their jobs.
We live in a strange world. Some small newspaper in some small whats-its-name-country publish a few cartoons of a prophet. Half a year later a small kid gets LEGO in a birthday present because of it.
Hello to all of you here. I'm from the Czech Republic so not exactly in the middle of this thing.
I would like to say couple of ideas here.
1. I'm really glad to come to this page because most of the post made me see that not all Arabs (or Muslim) are bad. Not that I would think it in past but what was happening during last couple of days was slowly making me think if I'm not wrong while saying it's only a minority of Muslims who are "radical".
2. I guess that Danish economy will be OK because in some ways Europe keeps togethere so I hope people will buy more Danish products. But it's true that all the boycot would only play to the hands of governments and as was already written here mainly people who have nothing to do with that would suffer. So I fully support your boycot of boycot!!
3. Some of the posts here were explaining something about US way or solving things. I don't think that bombarding innocent people is good and I'm not the fan of the US. I would just like to mention that most of Eurpoean countries have always been a little different and especially when it went for Iraqi war they were strongly aggainst the war (Just when I think about all these think happening now I quess that some of these European countries will be working more closely with the US after this, which is sad!.....perhaps it was someones intention)
4. And when it comes to western culture - freedom for gay marriages, interruptions, giving of sperm, etc. .....well it's something what developed during centuries. I would say that it's sad that many people doesn't see the resemblance between what Christians did during the Middle Ages and what's happening now in the Islamic world. If I remember well, then religion was ruling every aspect of human life in Europe during Middle Ages. We can also see the crussades as one aspect of it's political and military influence. I'm not sure if I'm right but in my oppinion we can see something similar in most of Islamic world now....just the weaponry has changed. And when someone has accused Europe for leaving it's religion then I can say that if Europe wouldn't come to separate religion and government then we would have probably already destroyed ourselves. Also I would like to mention that when Europe was under influence of religion it was nothing else then stagnation of development.
5. Also I would like to say that I can imagine how sensitive thing it is for muslims to see cartoons of it's prophet and I respect that. On the other hand I would like to mention that Europe could feel offended for all the negation of holocaust from the speaches of Irani president or for example the shots of cutting off the head of citizen of western county in Al Jazeera. And even if it evokes disagreement in the west I saw no boycots of enyone or attacks on someones embasies.
So what I would like to say is that in some ways we are thinking the different way and it's why we all need more respect and tolerance towards each others culture. And I'm glad and I admire, that you have gone this way to show that things could be solved also different way!
"When a majority makes fun of a minority, when the strong makes fun of the weak it should be done with tact and consideration."
Yes, that is a good point, but some in my Country kidnaped Islam, claiming that they represented all muslims, many believed them. Then they started to intimidate the society. That triggered the cartoons. The lesson is, that if somebody stands up and claims he speaks for you and you don't agree in his point of view. You should stand up yourself and say you are not speaking for me.
Just to make a correction. Denmark has never excused for bringing the cartoons. The Danish PM has only said that he apologizes if the cartoons have hurt someone’s feelings, but not that it has been printed in the paper. As he says, I can not make excuses for what a free press chooses to print. He has said, that personally he would not have printed them, but that is not the issue here.
The same applies to the Danish news paper, who writes: “In our opinion, the 12 drawings were sober. They were not intended to be offensive, nor were they at variance with Danish law, but they have indisputably offended many Muslims for which we apologize.” You can read the en-tire statement in English at http://www.jp.dk/udland/tema:fid=11328/
Thanks for the support;o)
well i m a MUSLIM living in Pakistan..when US war startd i thoght its onlt her who is against Muslims...I respcts all da other european countries.but what i saw in Denmark s newspaper forced me to change ma views.now i come to know dat every non muslim country is against Muslims.however most of da ppl dun even know wts the truth is..they are just passing comments without knowin wts da truth is...i dun ask them to change ur comments and views but please please research the matter before passing comments on such sensitve things...well i dun hv any thing to say abt denmark n its paper..but the thing is that every nation n evry country have sum ethical values to respect others and this act has shown that how much demark respect other countries and religions.I DONT CURSE DENMARK BECAUSE SHE EVEN DOS NOT DESERVE SPITTING....
Dear Anonymous
Dont pity us, because we in turn pity you.
That is part of the problem, In Denmark we realize that moslems are as different as anybody else, there is wise moslems and theres quite clearly also some not so wise moslems.
That why we pity you, because the point that the same goes for the Danes seem lost on you when you acuse me as a Dane of having done something wrong.
You have never met me I have NOTHING against you and quite frankly I get offended when you acuse me of having dishonoured your prophet. I have never drawn him, spoken ill of him or burned your flag!
And I bet you dont know the first thing about my country except what my flag looks like (burning)!
DUDE i m da same prsn from Pakistan..
i accused u although u did nuthin....ur leaders represent you,your sports squads represnt you n then ur newspaper also represnt you...n denmark represent you....think of it dat if any Pakistani paper wud hv published any bull shit abt denmark or danish ppl then to whom you wud have accused...surely to Pakistanis...although only few involve in dat...so dats natural..
If few Muslims are involved in anti-non-muslims activities then why u ppl say dat MUSLIMS ARE TERORRIST...
I only say dat evry condemnd act shud be opposed...widout the prejudiction...and if any body support it then he or she is also supposed to involve in dat act...Sorry if u get offended or i hurt u but your newspaper really hurt me and a lot of Muslims...
First, I want to start by saying, kudos to you, "Sandmonkey"! I like your attitude towards this nonsense.
Several years ago, a so-called "artist" put up a display of garbage in New York that I, and many other American Christians (and some non-Christians, as well) found to be highly offensive: a crucifix in a jar of urine and a picture of Mary smeared with feces were two of the worst. People over here threatened to boycot the institution that hosted the "display", and made their feelings known, denouncing the so-called "artist" (and I'm sure a few lunatic-fringe types made death-threats, as well), but nobody rioted. There was no world-wide display of violence on the part of Christians over this. I grew up in a military family, and in my family's travels around the U.S. every few years, I met many Muslims. Those who discussed their beliefs with me all said the same thing: that Islam is a religion of peace. It seems, therefore, that it is the "lunatic fringe" types who are responsible for the violence. Extensive media coverage doesn't help; I think it only encourages the idiots because they know the whole world will see their stupidity (which they seem to think is some sort of "cause"). And therefore they help perpetuate the idea that Islam is an inherently violent religion and encourages others to create cartoons like the ones in question. It's a vicious cycle. Certainly all religions, at some time or another, have been guilty of acts of violence in the name of their religion. After all, Christianity is most definitely a religion of peace (at NO time did Christ say in the Bible that his followers should commit acts of violence on non-believers), but who hasn't heard of the Crusades or the Spanish Inquisition, or the Salem "witch trials". Its time for the nutcases in ALL religions to come out of the Medieval period and into the 21st century, and learn tolerance. It's for God, and Him alone, to pass judgement and exact punishment on those He finds wanting.
You wish to boycott the paper or cartoonist go ahead. But to kill them or go ape shit against whole demographic....a point made maybe? I know not all Muslims are like this and it is nice to be proven correct. So to many once again the US is the bad guy. Well fine but keep your facts straight. In history how many times has conquering force given back the land they conquered to the native, peaceful people (besides the US and its allies have). In the process many innocent people die and it is sad. But where were those leaders care for there own people, often hiding behind them. We have been murdered for years so I do not apologize for standing up to fanaticism or terroism of any kind to protect our own people and friends.
Boycott the boycott?
but when you tend to blame the angry millions for being angry.. I don't think you're right.. instead, you can blame how they express their angry.
Let me explain:
- A lot of Muslims knows that "riots, fire and killing" are NOT the right way of expressing their anger but the rest don't know.. the cartoons made them angry
- Islam has no thing to do with this. Muslims (who are truely faithful) know that Islam's message is "peace" which is against what's happening now (no matter what the reason is).
- Human by-nature likes to use symbols to represent what he beleives.. and when these symbols are insulted his beleives are insulted as well then turns him to be angry
In my opinion; the cartoons incident didn't show the Muslims are fanatic.. because being fanatic is against Islam principles. but it showed that Muslims today have weak Islam faith and practice.
It also showed that many people around the world hate Islam and Muslims regardless of their opinion about the reaction.. They just love to express their hate and they seize every possible chance to say that Islam and/or Muslims are bad.
when I read all of the silly thoughts in here .. I know more & more that non of you know a 'lil thing about Mohammed & Islam!!
and That's stupidity it self man when you talk about something you don't have an Idea about .. and that what's going on in here!!
Non of you have an Idea what you are talking about .. just bla bla bla .. bla bla bla .. and that's the truth ..
at last but not at least .. this is a site I wish you all visit :
so you can know what you're talking about next time.
and if they created an islamic army to fight for MOHAMMED I'll be the 1st to join .. no matter how I'm gonna DIE or Where I'm gonna DIE .. All I Care About is non of you dis-respect MOHAMMED this way again!
And we are ( All Muslims of the world from Japan to the USA & from the USA to the Middle East ) very serious .. Disrespect us in every way you can but you don't disrespect Allah ( GOD ) or Mohammed or Quran ..
Cause that all leading to a 3rd world war very soon ..
what do you know about freedom?!!
I'll tell you what is your freedom ..
Freedom in your dictionary is:
Denmark is free to post any disrespect about MOHAMMED PEACE BE UPON HIM.
It seems that the Muslims think they can do what ever and harm whomever they desire. But when it comes to the slightest of negative response, they react as immature, dumb children and riot, kill others and behave as the inhumane lot they are!
Stick with Freedom of the Press, if it wasn't for that no one would even be aware of their dumb reactions.
sandmonkey u are the biggest dumbass ever...
1. "Danes have apologized repeatedly for offending muslims by having a cartoon of the Prophe"
First of all the jyllands posten did not even apoligize. What kind of an apology is it when u say u are sorry but u were right to print the pictures.
2. "it is retarded to punish a whole country and its products for what a Newspaper in that country did"
The boycott is happening because their PM ASSmussen and their govt is not issuing a formal apology. They seen to have forgotten that they are the leaders and they are responsible for the actions of their citizens. A formal apology is what civilized countries issue when their largest paper has insulted the greatest figure of another religion.
3. I wonder why their is no freedom of speech when the Nazi issue comes up. Not that i support nazis but where I live (canada) u cant walk down the street denying holocuast or u get ur ass in jail. Kind of two faced when it comes to Muslims eh?
Freedom of Speech doesnt mean Freedom to insult the greatest figure of a religion. BTW Islam doesnt allow the insult of any other religion in such a degrading manner or in any manner for the matter. SHAME ON U JYLLAND POSTEN!!
Someone, pleeese, create Muslim soccer league or footback or boxing league. This is the only way to channel the excess of testosterone that's clearly visible on the Muslim streets. If a jobless 22 year old gets beat up on the foootball field, he will be too tired to protest. The secret of success of the West is in discovering how to channel young men's testosterone urges into sports and other approved and highly profitable forms of violence. Bored, jobless, horny young men spell trouble - they always did and always will.
i don't understand.
the paper has apologized...
this should be the end all and be all of this issue.
i just think that there are a couple of people fanning the issue and encouraging other people to do crap like boycott and all.
companies like Arla havent done anything.. i mean fuck.. poor cows there man...
to me this was all over when the paper apologized....
hell ya! danish pastries!
To the people of Denmark,
Freedom of speech was the first lesson I have learned coming to America. I feel sadden that my country did not support the action that your country has started. Trust me on one thing... as much as my government is not supportive with what is going on but rest assure that my country men are 100% supportive. The arrogant of these protestor is so childish that it is so troublesome wacthing it on TV. They burned my country flag and my government sit and watch. I am just so lost of words that I dont even know where to start. It is just sadden that freedom of speech has been taken away from all of us if the country of Denmark has to apologize!!!
Respectfully your supporter,
this incident was the straw that broke the camels back no pun intended............ its very disappointing to read some of these messages and realize that the rift between muslims and the west will only widen due to ignorance from both sides of the story. i have respect for all people but god damn lets be honest here the muslims have defenitly got the short end of the mutual respect needed for all of us to live in harmony. freedom of speech is very importatn but there is no such thing as unchecked freedom that just leads to chaos, "fuck your mother" thats freedom of speech right well if i say that to your face id love to see you smile back at me. Muslims as a whole have already been degraded, endured prejiduce, and been oppressed in a massive propganda campaign befroe and after 911, all religions have had their moments of shame due to the radical actions of a few i just hoped people were smart enough to realise that! disrespecting muslims holiest figure is a slap in the face to all muslims from the extremesits to the moderates to people who are just muslim by name then to reprint it again without an apology is a total diregard and utter disrespect to 1/4 of the worlds population. so ya fuck that sympathise with denmark bull shit the govt should be held responsible and refusing to issue an apology is very disrirbuing it very irresponsible to do such a thing many of these muslims rioting dont have anything no edcation the only thing that keeps them going is thier faith, you can hate muslims say wat u want thats your opinion cus sterotypes come from both sides but depicting the prophet the holiest figure as a terrorist is sooo inapropriate the west doesnt have the same idiologhy of respect as the east does so they dont understand the magnitude of this issue....... muslims should not just keep on enduring this degradation our pride will never be suppressed im all about a peacful protest and resolution no killing no rioting just hit them where it hurts most, thier pockets after all thats wat makes the west go round....... so dont turn the issue around to make it look like muslims are in the wrong
After what I’ve seen what I’ve seen, I’ll be a great supporter of all Danish products. One thing though i would like for it to happen that will help teach those nations the meaning of respecting others...The Danish and the whole of Europe should keep an open eye and ear for all what Muslims say during their Friday prayer. Before the prayer there is this speech that an Imam delivers, and it is always guaranteed to have all sorts of hostility, hate, disrespect, and humiliation towards all other religions and all non-Muslims. That is a good source for a counter attack done by the Danish people. Quote what they say during those speeches and ask for an apology. Some of what they say would be: kill all non-Muslims, all non-Muslims are evil, they will all burn in hell, and they raise their hands to God praying for the wives of non-Muslims to become widows and their children to become orphans. This is just the tip of the iceberg. Please, somebody from Denmark start this counter attack and ask for an apology from all Muslims for what an Imam said in one Mosque. Their reaction would be fun to watch!
Thanks for the page!
We support Denmark and freedom for press and humour everywhere!
After going thru all the comments ... I came up with one thing " are all the MUSLIMS extrmists or the people who have their bitter comments for Muslims.... who kill people like insects with nuclear bombs... for no reason... who kill people so that their breed could stay PURE!!!! not all fingers are equal nor all Muslims terrorists. I needn't explain to people who dont have any faith in God , in hell or heaven, in good or bad .... infidel people infidel cartoons, no use of you being so literate and advanced ... all you can do is taking shit about freedom (FREEDOOM OF THROWING YOU PSYCHIC DIRT EVERYWHERE)...
Mr. Sandmonkey:
Your site is terrific. I'm having a Danish pastry party tomorrow. Keep up the snarkiness.
Agent Angstqueen
Danish paper opologized because if it had not done it worst wud happnd to its economy...danish PM beggin Muslim countries not to finish trade links..Norwegian telenor sendin msg ppl not to stop using its service...MUSLIMS HV WON..bravo
United we stand divided we fall
Denmark gives more in aid to the Muslim countries, than Denmark exports to them, so ……np.
Why is it, that a lot of Muslims is causing problems, everywhere they go ?
Because of Sharia, the law of Muslims, all over the world.
I know, that not all Muslims are extremists (believing in sharia), but seems like there is a lot of them.
Sharia law is evil and insane, especially to women of the Muslim countries. Sharia is very outdated, and is not compatible with modern world standards and human rights.
So sad to see so many people being mislead because of religion.
Perhaps it´s time, that we pay more interests in, how Muslim countries (mis)treat their citizens, and people with other religion in the Muslim countries ? - We will busy for sure, but it needs to be done.
Indymedia UK is now kowtowing to Muslim fundamentalists and censoring free speech ...
Muslim fundamentalists are trying to destroy free speech.
Indymedia UK also seem to be trying hard too!
Keith Parkins, Clash of civilisations, Indymedia UK, 7 February 2006
Keith Parkins, Islamic fundamentalists stirring up hatred, Indymedia UK, 9 February 2006 {Censored by Indymedia UK}
Well, i have now started looking for Danish products and i will buy danish products as much as i can!
boycott prouducts from countries that do not respect basic human rights and freedom in general.
If I buy danish products, that means I will have to cut down on the usual (american) products that I used to buy. What have those companies done to deserve an indirect boycott?
I would only say "buy danish" if that is what you have been buying before. More sensible would have been to just boycott buying JP. But it is very apparent that both cultures lack an understanding amonth each other, as can be seen by most of the posts in this
This is not about media freedom. The media is not free to insult religions. This is about common courtesy of respecting a fellow beings sensibilities. If the "fundamentalists" had been drawing pics depicting the virgin mary in some deragatory way, I am sure all the press would have been aghast and media freedom not even mentioned. But when the boot is on the other foot....
Yes they are, in every way. How can "the little man" speak out?? I´m a Dane, and a long time ago, we were slaves.This is what we fought, and died for.Not something we can easly give up to anything or anyone(sorry)
"You will not be able to boycott the boycott of danish products because Muslims are the huge community using danish products and we will bring the Danish Government to its knees by boycotting the Danish products. We are only asking for an apology and they are not doing it so. Therefore we have a right to take an action and thats FREEDOM which we have learned from you. Your FREEDOM will take you to hell but even there you'll be crying FREEDOM, freedom of speech, freedom to gay and lesbian marriages, freedom to have sex with animals, freedom of donating a sperm, freedom of abortion..... God knows what is going to happen to your society. Remember everything that goes up has to come back down. And same is happening to you."
Obviously theese are the words of a VERY narrow-minded person!
If muslim countries keep boycotting Danish goods, it will only effect themselves! YOU will be unable to get enough of certain products which denmark has the majority on producing. It willtake a long long time for the boycotts to affect a country with a such stabile economy as Denmark - in fact Denmarks economy has never been better than it is at the moment! It takes a lot more than this rubbish to bring a country like DK to "it's knees"
Denmark has one of the best and most stabile economies in the whole world! It's not hard to see why the arab countries have bad economies - They are set back centuries!! Human rights and care does not excist in theese countries in general. Though i'm happy to see this doesnt go for every muslim in the world, some muslims in here are thank god civilized!
I cannot believe people in arab countries in general cant see further than whats right in front of them!! The boycotts does NOT affect the dansih economy but the INNOCENT DANE working at Arla divisions! Theese people have NOTHING to do with the cartoon-conflict but still they are the victims... Not every dane is against islam, we do accept other cultures, but we want other cultures to accept that our laws allow the medias freedom of speach, which is one of the most important human rights!
/A PROUD Dane!
I´ve allwayas respected all religions, but from now on I´ll not employ any arab en my bussiness. If all off us do this??
Viva Dinamarca
José Spain
I put your banners on my infant blog with thanks. Love your blog and its community. Keep up the good work.
For God's sake close ROJ TV kurdish terrorist organizations TV that promotes blood spling and terrorism. They found a worm nest in Danmark thanks to Danish PMs support, have some common sense remember what happened to UK they fed terrorists and they were hit by the same terrorists they had fed. Just because you live in luxury it does not mean you are the representative of democrasy you are nothing but reach people that's all. so please stop stiring shit in other countries, you are no police.
Yes it was a mistake that the danish prime minister, Anders Fogh Rasmussen, apologized for these awesome drawings. but rest asured that the majority of the danesh did not wish to give an apology to such narrowminded, pigheaded, idiotic weasels.
These maggots should be removed from any civilised country. they are nothing but parasites feeding of the goodness of great countries like Denmark.
I hope and wish that the muslims in Denmark, that started this stupid "war" will be sent back home to whatever shithole they came from.
We do not want them, they are not like us, and they will never be!
A proud Danish girl.
i think denmark people full of shit i will never buy danish products again in my life.is that what u beleive freedom is.talking bad things about muslim people.
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