Ups and downs
My life is soo weird. Today started out shitty: I woke up late, I had a meeting to go to, and the ATM I went to was out of cash. This didn't bother me much, because today I was supposed to make big money, and so it didn't really matter that I couldn't get some from the ATM. Shit, after getting my big pay out, I would've made so much money I could buy my own ATM machine. That was 8:30 am! You see, part of the reason why I took my break was to try and finish a business deal that would've made me enough moolah that would've allowed me to quit my job. After all the haggeling, and in the last possible minute, the deal goes to shit. No big nice commission, no quitting said job, Life sucks as usual. Screwed again. That was today at Noon. I walk around the office around 2 PM and I see everyone freaking out. The Stock Market took another dive today. People so far have lost about 30% of their money this month. February has sucked for everyone involved, especially compared to January's meteoric rise. I took my money out in december, so even though I didn't make the mad dolla dolla billz everyone else made in January, I also didn't lose a third of everything I had like everyone in February, so I am good. The same can't be said about my co-workers; some people around here are borderline suicidal. It occurs to me that this is the reason why the windows at office buildings never open. Now, at 5 pm, the accoounting manager passes by my desk and gives me a big envelope that has a 2 months salary (before the raise I got for taking 2 extra weeks off) in them. The reason? Well, we made too much money last year, so this is my Bonus. They tell me to keep up the good work and walk away. I am stumped. What a strange day!
EFG rocks, doens't it??
Now, I'll have to do with to get my freakin broker to answer his phone...grr!!
Not EFG Tomanbay. EFG wanted me at some point, but they are too much stress for me. Plus, they are snooty bastards, and me no likes snooty bastards!
ok...that was close!!
didnt mean any "infrigment of your anonymosity" though..
i'll have to agree on the snooty bastards know!
I second elengil...
Life is a deadly sexually transmitted disease... pardon my french *rofl*
Congratulations on your bonus
Here is a good drawing of a Sandmonkey in trouble.
Sandmonkey, read this articel on CNN and check the date:
Good on ya for the bonus, lad.
I need to abscond with billions of dollars from the U.S.A. but I need foreign help to open a bank account in Egypt. If you deposit $100,000 equivalent USD, I promise you a big share of the loot. Please send e-mail and money to....
Hey Sam, I didn't post the 10.21pm comment but I wonder if same has read my e-mail? BW
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