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Rantings of a Sandmonkey

Be forewarned: The writer of this blog is an extremely cynical, snarky, pro-US, secular, libertarian, disgruntled sandmonkey. If this is your cup of tea, please enjoy your stay here. If not, please sod off

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

My call for Jihad.

Asra Nomani, a muslim american femenist, is facing death threats-from one of the crazy fuckwits that use Islam as an excuse to kill people- because she has been lobbying for the right of Muslim women to pray side by side with men. It was two days after she appeared on "Nightline" talking about her fight to change her mosque that the death threats began. The first call came on her cell phone. The caller left a message, in Urdu: "If you want to stay alive, keep your mouth shut." Otherwise, he said, he would "slaughter" her, halal style, saying a prayer as he slid a knife across her throat. If she didn't shut up, he'd slaughter her mother and her father, too. Think before you speak, he said. I know where you live. I know where your parents live. Then he called her parents' home 10 minutes later. Just to reinforce the message. I am sure Rim Azmi would cheer for the caller and call him a great muslim and a real defender of the Islamic faith, while seriously advocating the painful "halal-style" death of Nomani, cause , you know, she had it coming. Grrrrrr.. You know, as i said here before, we let those bastards dictate the image of Islam around the world while we stay silent, and then we wonder why everyone has the mental picture of the crazy fanatical terrorist everytime the word Muslim gets mentioned. I refuse to believe that Islam is such an intolerant religion that it silences its critics by killing them instead of debating them, the same way i refuse to believe that the majority of Muslims who log on to this site would agree to the shit that gets carried in their names. It's time we spoke up and acted against those psychos who tarnish our image, or we deserve whatever stigma the rest of world gives us. I say we- mdoerate muslims/arabs- declare a JIHAD on them, like me, Hellme and Nadz once joked, except that this time i am serious. I declare myself a mullah, and i am issuing a fatwa declaring a jihad against anyone who takes it upon himself and threatens to kill/ kills anyone in the Name of Islam, because I've had it! It's either us or them people, and i vote for us. Those people have got to go!


At 6/07/2005 04:51:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

There's one more twist to this story. She has a child conceived out of wedlock. That's why you'll find 99.9% of people in our region against her and I bet you they wouldn't mind if something happened to her. Just look at the responses the people left to her story on Al Arabiya website:


Unfortunately, most people around us are intolerant of differences in lifestyle.

At 6/07/2005 05:34:00 AM, Blogger The Sandmonkey said...

Ohh, then i guess it's ok that they kill her then.


Thanks for pointing me out to the arabiya story responses ya Hassan. I see your point.

At 6/07/2005 05:38:00 AM, Blogger The Sandmonkey said...

Wow, those responses are something aren't they? So far i've read that she is crazy, a whore, an apostate, mentally unstable, and a jewish agent. Allahu Akbar! Ya 7allolly ya 7allolly.

At 6/07/2005 07:29:00 AM, Blogger gatorbait said...

Hey Sam,

I'll sign on for your Jihad. We can toss in some of our Fundies ,too.Deal?

At 6/07/2005 11:47:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sign me up as well!

At 6/07/2005 11:52:00 AM, Blogger Rancher said...

By all means take back your religion and bring it into the twentieth century. But watch your back.

At 6/07/2005 01:47:00 PM, Blogger Candace April said...

If all that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing, then hopefully the inverse will hold true.

As for this comment...

Listen Sam, if Islam considers women second-class citizens, who am I to complain about that? It's your culture/religion. I'm not even a Christian. I am just an atheist.

It is your business because they are humans and so are you. It is because degrading another human, or allowing the degredation of another human, diminishes all mankind.

Maybe they {the extremists) are not killing all the women (not out of kindness, mind you, but out of suprising acceptance of the rules of genetics) but it is a mass-murder of sorts when you reduce half of the population to breeding animals based on gender.

At 6/07/2005 03:40:00 PM, Blogger programmer craig said...

You don't get to a moderate position by having some moderates say:

"Listen here, this is the better way, most of us are moderates, why don't you do we all do it like this?"

You get to a moderate position by having extremists from both sides slug it out in an ugly brawl. Eventually, they cancel eachother out. This woman reminds me of militant feminists in the US during the 60s and 70s. They were pushing for things most women didn't want. They were extremists. They didn't get everything on their agenda, or even most of it, but they *did* change the status of women in America. With enough muslim women like her, she could have similar success. If she gets the chance, that is :)

At 6/07/2005 04:45:00 PM, Blogger Cynica said...

When someone goes to mosques with a reporter, camera, or both in tow, death threats become inevitable. Since when was the Michael Moore method of reforming Islam known to be successful?

At 6/07/2005 06:32:00 PM, Blogger programmer craig said...

Mavenette-Has any attempt at reforming Islam been succesful? This is a legitimate question, btw, not a snarky one. I'm actually interested in the answer.

I followed your link to your blog... your persepctive seems to be kinda unique :)


#Writings of a burqa-less female
#individualist growing up in a
#collectivistic culture

Collective = socialist or communist? Where did you grow up?

And you call yourself a cynic but write like an idealist... I can empathize with that, I have an idealist buried someplace in me too :)

At 6/07/2005 08:29:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Quite frankly, praying in a room of 7-10,000 men with their butts in the air is not my idea of a spiritual experience. Women should have their own mosques where they can pray, etc.


At 6/07/2005 09:14:00 PM, Blogger Cynica said...

To answer PC's question, it depends on what is meant by reformation. If that means rewriting the Qur'an, then reformation is not likely to happen anytime soon. However, some real reform can take place in the way Islamic tenets are intrepreted. Also, moving away from a rote imitation of the Sunnah by putting things into their historical context might be helpful.

Reform in Islam would not be as encompassing as the Protestant Reformation. It would be most effective when applied at the local level. This is how Asra Nomani has a good start. However, I find it mind-boggling as to why she would take the risk of being attacked by lunatic Muslims when the majority of people embracing her message are either non-Muslims or athiests who call themselves Muslims. Her target audience is definitely not mainstream Muslims. Instead, her message appeals to the already converted flock, such as the progressive Muslims. And there's not enough of them to make significant change.

Nomani's strategy is ineffective, unless she's using the number of media interviews she does as her success benchmark. In that case, the score is: Islam 0 & Nomani 200??

Btw, the collectivistic label comes from Geert Hofstede's 5 cultural dimensions . One of them is Individualism. The Arab World scores lowest in this dimension, making it a collectivist society in the Hofstede rankings.

At 6/07/2005 09:43:00 PM, Blogger programmer craig said...

Interesting take on collectivism/individualism. I've never seen these concepts applied to culture rather than government before, but I can go along with what he says... it makes sense.

The protestant movement in EUrope wasn't a reform, it was a revolt... and a very bloody one at that. However, it did lead to the reformation of the catholic church.

I agree with you that reform should always involve interpretation, rather than re-writing scripture. If you re-write scripture, you are basically creating a new religion, not reforming an old one. The problems generally lie with interpretation anyway, at least amongst Christians. It's really amazing how many completely different True things people can get out of a few sentences.

It seems like Islam should have an advantage (or a head start) when it comes to reform. The Quran wasn't written as long ago, and it hasn't been translated(and mis-translated) dozens of times the way the Bible has.

Good info. Thanks.

At 6/08/2005 02:39:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Count me in.
As a muslim girl (not that religious but quite faithfull) I'm sick and tired of being seen as a body created for men's pleasure & control. The sad thing is that these extremests see this sickening view as a part of Islam while it's not. This way of thinking goes back way before islam & it has come back thanks to the Wahabi thinking in Saudi Arabia & other Gulf regions.
Maybe women didn't have their full rights in the 50s & 60s in Egypt but they were on their way. They went to work & somewhat a revolution could have started here but then Egyptians went to the Gulf they came back with Wahabi thoughts that set this country hundreds of years back.
So I'm with you in calling for Jihad on these fuckheads & let's take back our religion that they hijacked with thei political goals & filthy minds.



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