Why am I pro women rights? part 2
Because of this:
This chart shows the percentages of women in parliament in Middle-eastern countries. As you can see, the top 3 countries are Afghanistan (27.3%), followed by Iraq (25.5%) , and in third place Israel (15%). 2 are occupied by the US and, well, the other one is Israel. Make your own conclusions!
Now, How much are women represented in Egypt's parliament? Ehh, 2%. That's it! And we used to be the region's women rights pioneers.
What's up with Syria at 12 percent? That's way more than Jordan at 5.5.
When were we ever the region's women rights pioneers??????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!N
I'm not that familiar with Egyptian history, but I do remember Chleopatra ;-)
Scandinavian person
Oh yes, we were pioneers in Cleopatra's time. Let me rephrase my question: Since Cleopatra, when was Egypt a pioneer in women's rights???? N
Turn of the century man. first country in the region to give women the right to vote.
"Turn of the century man" why assume that i'm a man? chauvinist!N
This is good article about Muslim women. Thanks God I'm not Muslim.
No cheer for Muslim women
Syria is easily one of the most socially liberal states in the Middle East. It is far from the Islamofascist religious state that some Americans think it is. Syria has more religious diversity and regard for women's rights than most other Arab states, rivalled only by Lebanon, and to a (much) lesser extent Egypt and Jordan.
in the curriculum of the Sociology department in Alex Univeristy - one of the reasons for the rise of unemployment is women getting jobs.
men have two brains women have only one.
yochanan: "men have two brains women have only one."
Yes. It takes twice as much male gray matter to equal ours.
Steven, you're "honestly surprised" because you're a knee jerk racist who bases his views on perceptions rather than facts, you remind me of an elderly american couple sitting next to me on the flight from ny to cairo, who, upon arriving on the nile delta sky looked from the window and the woman said " It's amazing how green it is, I never thought Egypt was so green" her genius husband replied " I don't think that's Egypt yet, I think that's Israel", I think I really had steam coming of my head at this point. Yeah, flying all the way east to Israel for no reason whatsoever, then taking a u turn back west to Egypt.
Mo. I am sure you will find just as many misconceptions on the Arab street about America much less Jews or Israel.
I mean I have read some were that some think jews use human blood to bake maztoh? I fact i read that in the state press from Saudi Arabia.
I've lived most of my life in Egypt, and I swear that I've never heard this blood thing before, have you ever heard of the blood thing SM?
Qassim Amin, revolution of 1919, Hoda Shaarawi...You'd be impressed.
Mo, I heard of it. El Akhbar newspaper or the sort.
I've heard it, too.
Steven, since you're so dilligent in exposing arab racism, why don't you do a similar good job and show what the israelis have to say about the arabs from mainstream politicians to rabbis like offadia yusef to those misunderstood but lovely eye candy called the settlers.
Steven--no need to be surprised. Just think of what Iraq and Afghanistan have in common with each other but not the rest of the region.
I'll give you some hints: It ain't religion, it ain't ethnicity, and it ain't their long history of women's rights.
It's three letters, it begins with a U, and ends with an A.
You have three guesses and the first two don't count.
Ok Steven, you've proven you're a better person than I am, I seriously mean it, and I sincerely apologize for jumping to conclusions, but you have to forgive my own "knee jerk" reaction given the nature of most of the people who post their comments here, sorry man, take care.
The year 2006 is the 100th anniversary of universal and equal suffrage in Finland. The year 1906 represents an important milestone for women's social and political participation. Finland was then the first country where women could fully exercise their voting rights and eligibility to stand for elective office. Altogether nineteen female MPs were elected to Parliament in 1907.
Please check (in English)
Cleopatra was greek,
but she fancied romans;)
K from Oslo
Hi Elengil.
As I said I'm not that familiar with Egyptian history, but according to my encyclopedia she was Queen of Egypt.
(I didn't want to expose more of my ignorance than necessary, so I had to google her to corfirm....)
Best wishes
Scandinavian person
The first post-Taliban Afghani and post-Baath Iraqi parliaments clearly outscore the Israeli Knesset in terms of numbers of elected female politicians, however, if legislation on womens' issues from equivalent remuneration for equivalent work, to protection from discrimination based on sex or gender, to personal liberties were taken into account, Israel would undoubtedly qualify as the most pro-feminist and woman friendly state in the middle east.
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